Hebrews 1:4 (NIV 1984) So he became as much superior to the angels as the name he has inherited is superior to theirs.

We are so easily thrown off of our focus on Jesus because He often seems distant and unreal to us, and it is easy to replace Him with something more tangible. I have never had a direct encounter with an angel, that I am aware of at least, but if I had, it would be very tempting to make that encounter a centerpiece of my faith. But angel encounters, missing as they are, it is still easy to focus on inspiring preachers or amazing books that have helped us in our journey of faith, or maybe we can overly focus on our denominational history with the many powerful men and women of God filling the pages of its biographies. Supernatural occurrences, manifestation of the spiritual gifts that energize us, and the many divine encounters we have in worship, prayer and study of scripture, have a high priority in our memories and rightfully grab our attention. Yet all of these, as wonderful as they can be, are supremely inferior to Christ Himself. They have no meaning without Him. Just as Jesus is superior to the angels, He is superior to all of these. Billy Graham, who is now in heaven, is not going to conquer the enemies of greed and sexual immorality. Neither Charles Spurgeon, AW Tozer, Lottie Moon, Amy Carmichael, Billy Sunday, George Whitfield, or John Wesley will put the enemies of human trafficking, abortion, prejudice, dishonesty, hatred, or bitterness under their feet. It is Jesus who will conquer all of this. He’s our man! And we will conquer them with Him.


